JAKARTA - Executive Director of the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef) Esther Sri Astuti responded to the statement of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno regarding Generation Z will find it difficult to buy a house if it is not assisted in funding.

The funding referred to in this case is a mandatory payment plan for Public Housing Savings (Tapera).

"The need for people's housing is a necessity. Because if it is not done now, it will continue to be delayed, Gen z will never be able to have a house. I can guarantee that, Gen z will not be able to have a house if it is not assisted from now on for funding," Sandi said in a video on his X account, @sandiuno, quoted Tuesday, June 4.

Esther assessed that the Tapera policy is not necessarily a solution for Generation Z to get a house in the future. The reason is, Tapera's own contribution is not necessarily able to catch up with the future increase in property prices.

"Yes, it's not necessarily because (the contributions) Tapera is not necessarily able to catch up with the increase in property prices for the next few years," Esther told VOI, Tuesday, June 4.

According to him, the three percent Tapera contribution policy which is planned to be imposed on the community will only add to the difficulties.

He also explained about the salary simulation with Tapera contributions.

The simulated salary range starts from IDR 5,000,000 to IDR 25,000,000.

The salary simulation varies from calculations. Starting from Tapera contributions per month to the next 50 years.

Based on data from the National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) in 2024, the average wage for workers/employees/employees in Indonesia is IDR 2,000,000 to IDR 5,000,000.

If the highest salary of IDR 5,000,000 is simulated with the mandatory Tapera contributions for the next 50 years, the amount will only reach IDR 90,000,000.

With this number, said Esther, people still find it difficult to get home.

"If a scheme like this ( Tapera's contribution) will not be able to have a house," he said.

He suggested that the government provide a subsidy for home ownership loans (KPR).

So, Generation Z can buy a house with cheaper installments.

"If you really want to help Generation Z to be able to buy a house, just give it a mortgage interest subsidy. So, they can buy a house at that time with cheaper installments," said Esther.

"Or with the current FLPP scheme. But, of course, this FLPP scheme is the type of house, yes, very simple," he concluded.

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