PT PLN (Persero) has completed three high-voltage infrastructures to support the electricity system of the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), in East Kalimantan. This step is also PLN's commitment to support the development of IKN towards forest city.

The three infrastructures with the realization of the Domestic Component Level of 67.29 percent include one Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Gas unit and it is a 150 kilovolt (kV) voltage transmission network unit.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo stated that PLN is fully committed to supporting the government's efforts to build IKN with the concept of a forest city or a smart, beautiful, and environmentally friendly forest city.

Furthermore, Darmawan said, the success of PLN in completing the construction of electricity infrastructure also contributed to the improvement in the progress of IKN development.

"We are fully committed to supporting green electricity infrastructure in IKN. This will be the best capital city with advanced technology, using clean energy sources supported by the latest and aesthetic Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based smart technology," Darmawan said in Jakarta, Sunday, June 2.

Darmawan said the company is committed to supporting the government in the development of IKN as well as the readiness of the commemoration ceremony for the 76th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia at IKN which will be led directly by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on August 17.

PLN continues to prepare an electricity system that is in line with the grand design of IKN development. Including for the preparation of the commemoration ceremony for the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia in August, we have prepared everything to support the success of the historic moment at IKN," he said.

Meanwhile, General Manager of PLN East Kalimantan Development Main Unit, Raja Muda Siregar said the electricity infrastructure was completed in a fast time and without disrupting the existing electricity system.

"We managed to make the first energy for these three infrastructures without disturbing the existing electricity system and completed in less than a year," said Raja.

Raja menjelaskan bahwa kedua jaringan transmisi ini dibangun dengan panjang total 52,8 kilometer circuit (kms) dan GIS IKN menjadi yang pertama di Kaltim dengan kapasitas sebesar 120 Megavolt ampere (MVA).

Selain itu, Raja juga mengapresiasi kolaborasi para stakeholder mulai dari pemerintah setempat, aparat, masyarakat hingga mitra kerja yang terlibat dalam penyelesaian infrastruktur kelistrikan ini.

"We really appreciate and are grateful for the support from all relevant stakeholders so that PLN can complete the provision of electricity infrastructure for IKN Nusantara," concluded Raja.

Photo caption: The process of constructing an underground High Voltage Cable Channel (SKTT) tunnel is to present an aesthetic aspect of electricity in the National Capital (IKN) Nusantara, Doc PLN.

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