JAKARTA - Investment Minister/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board, Bahlil Lahadalia encouraged students to become entrepreneurs. The statement was made during a public lecture at the Pre-Congress VIII Pre-Congress of the Nahdlatul Ulama Higher Education Executive Board (BEM PTNU) throughout Nusantara at the Islamic University of As Syafi'iyah, Bekasi, Friday, May 31.

The opportunity to become an entrepreneur in this nation is still very large compared to the opportunity to become a civil servant. The number of our entrepreneurs is only 3.6 percent, developed countries must double digits, Singapore has 11 percent, the United States has 14 percent, Thailand-Malaysia has 6-7 percent," said Bahlil.

Bahlil said that being an entrepreneur now is not difficult, because the government provides capital for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) of 25 million rupiah through unsecured credit and business licenses can be managed through Online Single Submission (OSS) or an Electronicly Integrated Business Licensing System.

Being an entrepreneur in the downstream sector aims to create new economic growth. So that after you finish studying, when you return to your area of origin, the economy there has developed. Don't all pile up in Jakarta, because if we all pile up in Jakarta, there will be no balance," he added.

In order to support students to become entrepreneurs, during the question and answer session, Minister Bahlil promised to provide business capital assistance for students who already have businesses.

In addition, Bahlil also gave tips on becoming an entrepreneur to students. According to him, the great entrepreneur is an entrepreneur who starts from the bottom, goes up, falls, and then can rise again.

So, if you (students) ask my tips, the first is that you have to think big, have to have ideas, and want to execute the idea. Don't ever think about being a great person if your way of thinking is small. And no great people take small risks. Always that, great people think big, act big, and take big risks," he said.

Bahlil continued, the next tip is that entrepreneurs must have character, namely that they must be able to distinguish between personal income and company income. The next tip is that entrepreneurs must be committed and must be honest.

'Business is trust, trust. So, what you have committed to your friends, your partners, your clients, you have to hold on to that commitment and execution," he continued.

Meanwhile, in his remarks, the National Presidium of the BEM PTNU Se-Nusantara, Wahyu Al Fajri, expressed his gratitude to Minister Bahlil for being willing to attend to give public lectures and share his knowledge.

There are approximately 75 campuses here throughout Indonesia. All who are present here are the young NU generation, who are here are Nahdliyin students. This means that the Minister (Bahlil) is the NU family," he added.

Wahyu also said, according to the Indonesian Political Indicators (IPI) survey, the level of satisfaction with the investment minister/BKPM reached 82.6 percent. "This is Kakalanda's achievement (Bahlil) which is highly remembered by the public beyond the investment realization target," he concluded.

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