JAKARTA - The construction of 26 transmission infrastructure and substations (TGI) of PT PLN (Persero) in Sulawesi has an average of 75 percent using domestic product components.

"PLN continues to support domestic economic growth by optimizing the use of domestic components, including goods, services and the combination of goods and services, especially in the implementation of the development of electricity infrastructure (PIK) in Sulawesi," said Senior Manager of Construction Operations 1 PLN UIP Sulawesi Budi Ari Wibowo in Makassar, quoted from Antara, Saturday, June 1.

He said that currently 26 TGI contracts under the supervision of the Sulawesi Main Development Unit (UIP) PLN are in the implementation stage with a percentage of use of the domestic component level (TKDN) which reaches an average of 75 percent.

Of these, there are 11 transmission contracts and 15 substation contracts that are still in the final stage, both contractually and in the on going construction stage.

"A total of 26 electricity infrastructure development contracts, especially the construction of the TGI which is being carried out by the Sulawesi UIP, are spread across North Sulawesi, Gorontalo and Central Sulawesi Provinces," explained Budi.

He added that the use of TKDN PLN refers to the Minister of Industry Regulation Number 54 of 2012 TKDN Combined Goods and Services that the minimum use of TKDN for transmission of 150kV is 76.17 percent and for substation 150kV is 64.39 percent.

In this regard, he continued, his party always ensures that the use of TKDN, both goods, services, as well as a combination of goods and services for the development of electricity infrastructure carried out by PLN UIP Sulawesi complys with the stipulated regulations.

This is evidenced by the use of TKDN UIP Sulawesi, which averages 79.91 percent for transmission and 70.34 percent for substations.

PLN UIP Sulawesi will continue to strive to maintain, monitor and ensure that every electricity infrastructure development in Sulawesi by utilizing domestic components in accordance with applicable regulations.

"We hope that the high use of PLN TKDN in Sulawesi can help the government in increasing the use of domestic components to encourage economic growth," said Budi.

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