JAKARTA - MMS Group Indonesia (MSGI) has again made proud achievements in carrying out the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program or corporate Social Responsibility by winning two prestigious awards at the peak of the 2024 TOP CSR Award which was held at the Raffles Kuningan Hotel, Jakarta on Wednesday, May 29.

For 2 consecutive years, MMSGI managed to get a TOP CSR 2024 with the 5-star Excellence category, this proves MMSGI's commitment to improving the quality of life that is good for local communities.

Not only getting a TOP CSR 2024 star 5, MMSGI CEO Sendy Greti also received the TOP Leader on CSR Commitment 2024 award. The 2024 TOP CSR award also further confirms that the CSR programs developed by MMSGI have adopted ISO 26000 and put forward the principles of ESG and sustainable business, and are ready to support the government's program to create the 2045 Golden Indonesia generation.

In addition, the MSGI CSR program that has been running has also been calculated based on the Social Return on Investment level. According to Sendy Greti, the strategy in MMSGI's community relations has mapped stakeholders related to all business activities.

So, he said, in the realm of community development, MMSGI can promote community capacity development to make people more independent and resilient. Then, in terms of environmental management, MMSGI is also committed to conserving and rehabilitating the environment to provide people with good quality of life.

MMSGI has a social responsibility management strategy to manage the impact caused by the Company. MMSGI understands that business activities have the potential to bring environmental, social and economic traces to the surroundings. So, based on the results of mapping the impact on stakeholders, the CSR activities formulated are to be right on target after the need. This is also a form of a just energy transition where the community will become independent and empowered, especially when our operations have been completed," said Sendy.

Some of the MSGI's flagship CSR programs and the company's networks under it include the Pascatambang Clean Water Program, Tropical Rain and Forest Rehabilitation Miniatures for Protected Forests, Pursuit for Packages and Scholarships for Education Gaps, Development of the Lung Anai Traditional Village. Kenyan Dayak Tribe and Capital Support and Development for Local MSMEs.

MMSGI hopes that all CSR activities will be able to have an impact in the form of transfer of knowledge and technology which can be used as a source of sustainable economic livelihood and support to complement the business ecosystem accompanied by high social licenses.

M. Lutfi Handayani, Head of the 2024 TOP CSR Awards, said that this event is an opportunity for each company to participate in the assessment and learning process in terms of CSR.

"We appreciate companies in Indonesia that have contributed to running the CSR program for sustainable businesses, including the MMS Group Indonesia," he explained.

Lutfi said that the TOP CSR Awards are the highest assessment and awarding activities in the field of CSR, and the biggest and proudest in Indonesia. The TOP CSR Awards were awarded to companies operating in Indonesia, which are considered successful in running the CSR/TJSL and ESG programs effectively and quality, to support sustainable business growth.

Every year, the TOP CSR Awards are always attended by hundreds of companies, both private, BUMN, and BUMD in Indonesia. In addition to an objective and independent assessment process, each participant gets many benefits because it can be motivated and continues to learn and strive to improve the effectiveness and quality of their CSR programs.

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