JAKARTA - PT PGN Tbk is committed to integrating natural gas infrastructure and services to increase the use of natural gas in Indonesia. In its movement, PGN implements technological transformation and innovation so that efforts to achieve integration can be more efficient.

PGN believes that the pillar of technological innovation is the main key success in achieving the company's ideals of integrating natural gas infrastructure. As a Sub Holding Gas, PGN also wants to answer and realize the government's aspirations for integrated natural gas infrastructure between islands, transmission pipelines, and including beyond pipelines or non-pipeline infrastructure, with the hope that domestic natural gas sources can connect with gas consumers.

Laode Sulaiman as Director of Oil and Gas Planning and Development at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources during the 2024 Gasfest Conference said that in terms of resources several large projects have been found. For example, gas in Andaman and Masela. So the availability of infrastructure is one of the keys to utilizing such large resources.

"Including there is an option if there is indeed an excess requirement, we will also prepare the LNG terminal," said Laode, in his statement, quoted Wednesday, May 29.

With great potential resources, PGN will certainly make breakthroughs in gas distribution technology in order to expand the distribution of natural gas and reach demand throughout Indonesia. Integration of natural gas infrastructure, which was previously registered in the domestic area, is targeted to increase gas development for households, commercial & industry, land and sea transportation.

The momentum of the 59th Anniversary, PGN is increasingly monitoring innovation in the Beyond pipeline era to serve consumers spread across areas that have not been reached by pipelines. There is a high market potential for Beyond pipelines, for example in the industrial & commercial sectors in Central Java and East Java, which is estimated to reach 24 BBTUD.

The beyond pipeline infrastructure technology that PGN has run includes LNG Microbulk, LNG Tabung, CNG Cyinder, CNG Cradle. The future technological efforts include LNG Bunkering Vessel, modular mini Liquefaction Plant.

"We continue to strive for infrastructure integration, including carrying out various technological innovations and digital breakthroughs. We also realize that the government hopes to be more efficient. Of course, digital transformation is an effort to achieve optimal efficiency levels," said Suseno as PGN's Group Head Engineering and Technology.

Digital breakthroughs are important for PGN in maintaining the main business process chain from operations to customer management to be faster and more efficient. Some of the digital innovations that have been successfully developed by PGN, for example Digio for asset management, Sipgas as gas flow management, IMOC for integrated monitoring, PGN Partner, Rely On and PGN Mobile for customer management.

PGN has massively carried out digital transformation for the last 10 years. But in the future, PGN still sees the need to continue to make further breakthroughs. Because industrial challenges are very dynamic and the business process must always be efficient and transparent.

"Digital leadership perspectives are very important in business management in this modern era," said Suseno.

Then in today's AI era, PGN can proactively and creatively look for opportunities for technology adoption in the company's business processes. As the main player in gas utilization in Indonesia, the technology implementing PGN will be able to answer the challenges in gas distribution from various supply potentials and provide optimal services for all customers.

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