JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ombudsman highlighted the government's plan to implement the Standard Inpatient Class or KRIS for BPJS Kesehatan in July 2025.

RI Ombudsman member Robert Na Endi Jaweng said hospital service disparities have been the main cause of health service maladministration.

Therefore, his party asked the government to ensure the fulfillment of the needs and quality of basic facilities and RS HRK, a fair payment policy scheme and standard treatment rooms and service standards in the most optimal class.

"KRIS is expected to bring the new spirit of unraveling the disparity of health services in hospitals, transforming health services towards fair and equal health services, in accordance with the constitutional mandate," he said in his official statement, Tuesday, May 28.

First, he said, the government is obliged to ensure that the basic hospital facilities have been met as a prerequisite for the implementation of the KRIS.

"The Ministry of Health, BPJS Kesehatan and local governments are required to thoroughly audit the fulfillment of KRIS hospital facilities that can only be carried out properly if the primary facilities from the hospital are available," he said.

Second, he said, the Ombudsman asked the government to ensure the quantity and quality of Health Resources (HRK) in hospitals. According to Robert, currently the government seems to only focus on improving the quality of health infrastructure. However, it tends to ignore efforts to increase the capacity of health workers.

"We see that downstreaming of human resources is the key to efforts to optimize standardized service classes. Findings in several areas as an example of the Cath Lab cardiac facility are already available in hospitals, but the specialists are not there. We ask the Ministry of Health to give a special focus on the availability of human resources," he said.

Third, the government needs to establish a fair payment scheme initiated by socialization and public consultation. He considered, this is crucial in order to anticipate the issue of JKN participants turning into non-active participants.

In addition, the plan to implement the new dues must raise awareness of hospital managers to improve their service governance.

"The amount of participant contributions depends on the results of the evaluation carried out during the implementation of the KRIS in the early stages. The central Ombudsman and representative offices in 34 provinces are proactive in monitoring and supervising the extent to which BPJS partner hospitals are taking advantage of the transition phase going forward to really improve," he said.

Fourth, he continued, KRIS must provide advanced levels for improving public health services. According to him, the application of this standard should not be limited to standard treatment rooms, but moreover standard medical and even non-medical services.

Robert assessed that justice access, which is at the core of the spirit of this standardization, should not mean equality for poor service, but equality in enjoying the rights and guarantees of excellent health services.

"Social justice between citizens and regional justice between regions is a big narrative that is the spirit behind the implementation of the KRIS as stipulated in Presidential Decree Number 59 of 2024 concerning Health Insurance," he added.

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