JAKARTA - Chairman of the LPS Board of Commissioners Purbaya Yudhi Sadives revealed that the savings growth of the middle and lower classes has decreased.

He said the amount below Rp. 500 million had a slowdown in April 2024. Meanwhile, this slowdown worst occurred in savings below Rp. 100 million.

"The worst thing is below Rp. 100 million, we see the savings go down. In March the savings are still 7.3 percent," he said at a press conference in Jakarta, Tuesday, May 28.

Meanwhile, in April it experienced a sharp decline to 4.06 percent.

Purbaya said that the decrease in the number of savings may have been caused by people who used their money for long holiday needs. However, on a macro basis, he continued, the decrease in the number of savings was used to meet the long-term needs of the community and short-term futures.

"But for the sake of clarity, people with lower sentences seem to have grown much slower than people with a lot of money," he said.

Just so you know, with different fates with the community with savings below Rp. 100 million, people's savings above Rp. 2 billion actually experienced a significant increase.

In March, savings growth above IDR 2 billion only increased by 8.79 percent. Meanwhile, the growth in savings for the rich in April was recorded to have increased by 10.11 percent.

"If we look at the above Rp2 billion, the growth is getting faster. In April it grew 10.11 percent so it was very fast compared to before," said Purbaya.

Purbaya said this growth could have a good impact and could also have a negative impact.

The positive side, he continued, is that rich people or large companies get big profits and their savings are increasing. Meanwhile, the negative impact of Purbaya is worried that with the accumulation of savings, rich people will tend to take a wait and see attitude and not earn their savings.

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