YOGYAKARTA How to save so that Umrah can be considered needs to be considered, because the cost of traveling to the Holy Land of Makkah is not cheap.

To be able to perform Umrah, you need to spend around Rp. 28-45 million. The amount of this Umrah fee depends on the package offered by the agent bureau.

Therefore, special financial planning is needed in order to achieve this figure.

Summarized from various sources, Monday, May 27, 2024, the following is how to save so that you can get Umrah that you need to follow.

1. Determine the target you want to achieve

The above has been mentioned that the cost of Umrah travel can be different, depending on the service bureau and the travel package taken.

Before starting to save, determine the target fund to be achieved by conducting Umrah costs research at various travel agents. After that, you can only find an idea regarding the duration of collecting Umrah funds until everything is ready.

2. Set aside monthly income

After determining the target, you can create a new financial post to achieve that target.

The financial posts made must be calculated properly so as not to interfere with the budget allocation for daily needs.

Related to this, you can try the 50/30/20 method. 50 percent for daily needs, 30 percent for wishes, and 20 percent for investment or saving. The bigger the allocation, the sooner the funds are collected.

It should be understood that this method cannot be applied to every individual. So, you can determine your own method that suits your abilities and circumstances.

3. Make savings

In order for Umrah funds to be collected quickly, you can also save from these necessities. You can reduce or satisfy the allocation for hobbies, or recreational costs for a while. Transfer the allocation of funds for Umrah savings. The post can be returned after you return from the Holy Land of Makkah.

4. Open special Umrah savings

Saving tips for Umrah are next to make savings separate from your salary account. You must also commit not to use it before it is collected according to the specified budget.

You can activate the auto debit feature from the main account used to check monthly earnings to fill out Umrah savings.

By activating the auto debit feature, you can also be more disciplined in saving.

5. Find additional income

Applying a saving lifestyle needs to be done so that your target is quickly achieved.

On the other hand, you also need to consider finding additional income. For example, doing buying and selling activities for profit. After that, put the business profits into Umrah savings.

6. Consider investment

To increase money in savings, you also need to invest. If you want to have less risks, you can try investing in sharia to get a passive income.

That's information about how to save so you can go public. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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