JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially signed Government Regulation (PP) Number 23 of 2024 concerning Toll Roads. In it, there is a discussion about the implementation of the toll pay system without stopping or Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF).

The regulation was signed by Jokowi on May 20, 2024. The main discussion regarding MLFF is discussed in Article 67 concerning toll road collection or withdrawal from toll road users. Article 67 Paragraph 1 states that toll collection is carried out using an electronic system.

"The electronic toll collection system as referred to in paragraph (1) can be in the form of contactless non-cash technology (MLFF)," reads Article 67 Paragraph 2 of the PP, quoted on Saturday, May 25.

It was also stated that the implementation of toll collection with contactless non-cash technology was stopped by the Minister. In this case, Business Entities can be subject to service costs.

"The amount of service costs is set by the central government by taking into account the operational costs of toll collection by business entities before the implementation of contactless non-contact technology and returns on contactless non-contact technology investment," the verse explained.

The service fee as referred to is used to pay the implementing business entity. In this case, there is a difference in the income of service costs to become non-tax state revenues.

Then, toll road users are required to register their vehicles after the MLFF system is officially implemented, as stated in article 105 of the PP.

"When the contactless non-cash technology system has been implemented, Toll Road Users are required to register the motorized vehicles they use through the non-stop contactless technology system application approved by the Minister," the article reads.

Toll road users who have not registered their vehicles will face sanctions in the form of fines. By the time the MLFF system has been implemented and toll road users who do not pay toll roads, they will be subject to a multilevel administrative fine.

"The income sourced from the administrative fine as referred to in paragraph (3) can be non-tax state revenue," reads Article 105 Paragraph 9 of the PP.

It is known that the contactless toll road payment system or Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) is included in the national strategic project (PSN) this year.

Related to this, the Director of Block Free Roads at the Directorate General of Highways at the Ministry of PUPR, Triono Junoasmono, revealed the reasons for the entry of MLFF in PSN.

"Because of this, right, a very strategic and important program. So, of course, with the approval that this program should be appointed even more nationally. Because this is cross-sectoral, it's not just the Ministry of PUPR," he said when met by reporters at the National Working Meeting for Acceleration and Pre-Evaluation of PSN at the Park Hyatt Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday, May 14.

The man who is often called Yongki also said that MLFF's proposal to become PSN did come from the Ministry of PUPR itself. "The point is this is our proposal," he said.

He added, with the entry of MLFF to become PSN, it is hoped that in the future there will be various facilities for the implementation of the toll payment system.

"At least there are conveniences from the regulation, continue to coordinate so that it will be easier," he said.

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