JAKARTA - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan alias Zulhas visited the Tanjung Priok SPBE Patra Trading in the Koja area, North Jakarta, today.

This is to follow up on the results of monitoring and supervision from Pertamina and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources regarding the practice of reducing the volume of LPG 3 kg.

"We are at the Patra Trading location of the Tanjung Priok SPBE. We have checked the 3 kg LPG which is very much needed by this wider community and is used every day. It turns out that after we checked, the public or consumers should receive 3 kg of gas, after checking the average content of which is less than 200 grams to 700 grams," said Trade Minister Zulhas at the Tanjung Priok SPBE Patra Trading, North Jakarta, Saturday, May 25.

"So, the average content is 2,200 grams to 2,800 grams, which should be 3,000 grams. For 3 kg, right, 3,000 grams. Well, this is a decrease of between 200-700 grams. Imagine how much Indonesia has million," he continued.

Zulhas said that there were 11 Elpiji Fuel Filling Stations (SPBBE) that were proven to have committed the fraudulent practice. He said the 11 points were spread across Jakarta, Tangerang to Bandung.

"Well, this is a decrease of between 200-700 grams. Imagine, yes, how many million in all of Indonesia. There are more than 800 SPBEs. Well, we have found that there are 11 SPBEs. Just checked by Jakarta, parts of Tangerang in Bandung, Ciwaru, Cimahi, we have found that the quantities are not appropriate," he said.

He said the volume reduction practice was not in accordance with PP No. 29 of 2021.

"Yes, check it, right, it must be monitored, checked, routinely monitored. Monitored, is this true or not, like if people buy gasoline, there is a monitor. It's just a lot, sometimes the monitor takes a long time, yes, on the sidelines it can be misused," he said.

"I hope that business actors in this sector will also know and immediately stop curtailed, fraudulent and detrimental activities in this community," he added.

Zulhas also asked relevant stakeholders to participate in monitoring. This is done so that the practice of cheating in reducing the volume of LPG 3 kg and others does not happen again.

"We also urge regents, mayors to step down, yes, carry out supervision of gas of 3 kg, gas stations, gas of 12 kg, other scales, including water and so on," he added.

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