JAKARTA - Home Ownership Credit (KPR) is a way for first home owners to be able to buy housing. You can submit it to PT Bank Tabungan Negara Tbk or BTN. This year, KPR installments or installments even fell by 50 percent.

The reduction has been stated in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 concerning Procedures for Providing Interest Subsidies or Margin Interest Subsidies in the Context of Supporting the Implementation of the National Economic Recovery Program.

The PMK is officially effective as of September 28, 2020. Where previously interest subsidy recipients were still limited to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) debtors, then extended to type 70 mortgage debtors and motor vehicle debtors.

Other requirements, namely the customer has a taxpayer identification number, has a maximum credit limit of IDR 10 billion, has a credit debit tray until February 29, 2020, and has a current credit status as of February 29, 2020.

Then how do you apply for a KPR at BTN?

For those of you who want to apply for a KPR at Bank BTN, you must know the types of KPR offered by Bank BTN. There are two types of KPR offered by Bank BTN, namely subsidized KPR and non-subsidized KPR.

First, subsidized KPR. This is a mainstay of Bank BTN, because since 44 years ago Bank BTN was the first bank appointed by the government to help people access housing finance.

As the name implies, subsidized mortgages are loans or home ownership financing that receive assistance and / or ease of obtaining houses for the government in the form of long-term low-cost funds and housing subsidies issued by executing banks, both conventionally and according to sharia principles.

This subsidized KPR consists of several schemes, such as SSB, FLPP, SBUM, and BP2BT. KPR Subsidized Difference Interest (SSB) is a home ownership loan issued by a conventional implementing bank that gets a reduction in interest rates through housing loan interest subsidies.

Then, the Housing Financing Liquidity Facility (FLPP) is a housing finance liquidity facility support for Low-Income Communities (MBR) whose management is carried out by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing.

Meanwhile, KPR Subsidized Advances Assistance (SBUM) is a government subsidy given to low-income people in the context of fulfilling part or all of the down payment for a house.

Meanwhile, KPR Savings-Based Housing Financing Assistance (BP2BT) is a government assistance program provided to Low-Income Communities (MBR) who already have savings in order to fulfill part of the down payment for housing acquisition or part of the funds for self-supporting housing development through credit or financing from the implementing bank.

The requirements for applying for a KPR BP2BT include:

- 21 years-65 years old.

- The basic salary does not exceed IDR 6.5 million. purchase of a landed house and construction of a self-help house or IDR 8.5 million for a prosperous apartment.

- Have a savings account in the bank system with a balance limit with a period of at least the last 6 months.

- Have personal NPWP and Annual Income Tax Return.

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Bank BTN also has a sharia subsidized KPR called KPR BTN Subsidized iB. Unlike the conventional subsidized KPR, the iB Subsidized BTN KPR uses a Murabahah or buying and selling contract that provides various benefits.

Such as small and fixed installments until paid off, free of VAT, life insurance protection and fire insurance, down payment assistance subsidies of IDR 4 million specifically for landed houses, and a period of up to 20 years. The conditions are:

- Minimum age 21 years and when the financing is paid off, the age is not more than 65 years, the minimum period of work / business is 1 year.

- Do not have credit / financing problems.

- The applicant does not own a house and has never received government subsidies for home ownership

- Submit individual NPWP and Annual Income Tax Return.

- Maximum basic income of IDR 4 million for a landed house and IDR 7 million for a flat.

Second, non-subsidized KPR. Currently, Bank BTN has a variety of products, including KPR Gaeesss For Millennials, KPR Patriot, KPR Platinum, and KPR Hits (KPR Syariah).

KPR Gaeesss for Millenials is intended for millennials aged 21 years to 35 years who want to have their dream residence. The period given is up to 30 years, while for Apartment Ownership Loans (KPA) only up to 20 years. The down payment is very light, starting from 1 percent.

Meanwhile, KPR Patriot is specifically intended for members of the TNI / Polri, with benefits including down payment of only 1 percent, discount on provision fees of 75 percent, interest rate of 7 percent fixed for 5 years, and free administration fees.

Then, the Platinum KPR program. This program can be used for home purchases from developers or non-developers. In addition, you can also choose to buy a new or used house, as well as purchase a house that is ready to live in (ready stock) or not yet finished (indent). This mortgage can be used to buy a house by taking over credit from other banks.

Meanwhile, KPR Hits is a non-subsidized KPR product issued by BTN for ready stock properties targeting millennials. KPR Hits has a number of features, including using the Musyarakah Mutanaqisah agreement with easy rental installments, down payments starting from 1 percent, and tenors of up to 30 years.

The requirements for applying for KPR Hits include:

- Minimum age 21 years

- Have a permanent job with a minimum work period of 1 year

- Collateral must be ready stock, not unbuilt or in the form of land plots

How to register:

- Applicants are looking for the location of the house they want, or can get information via the link www.btnproperti.co.id, info on BTN Outlets, property exhibitions and so on.

- Prepare complete documents.

- Application files will be processed by Bank BTN, including the Financial Information Service System (SLIK), data verification, and analysis.

- If the application is approved, the Applicant prepares sufficient funds in BTN Savings.

- Performing a Credit Agreement.

- And can start the application disbursement process.

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