DEN HAAG - The Netherlands is interested in investing in the new renewable energy sector (EBT) in Indonesia, from solar panels to hydrograns whose value reaches IDR 10.16 trillion.

A number of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) were also partnered with the project.

Minister Counsel Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia, Royhan Nevy Wahab said that BUMN was involved in developing EBT with Dutch companies and investors, namely PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT PLN (Persero).

Furthermore, Royhan said there were three projects that were being completed by the two SOEs. Royhan said the total investment value for the three projects reached 585 million Euros or around Rp. 10.16 trillion (assuming an exchange rate of Rp. 17,380 per Euro).

"So those are real values, if for example it is realized, that is a very large value, especially for Indonesia," Royhan said when met at the Indonesian Embassy in The Hague, the Netherlands, quoted on Tuesday, May 21.

Royhan also explained that the project carried out by Pertamina was a collaboration in the solar panel with Hyet Solar Netherlands BV (Hyet Solar) to develop a photovoltaic (PV) foil manufacturing.

Furthermore, Royhan said the project was carried out through Pertamina Power Indonesia as Subholding Power & New Renewable Energy (Pertamina NRE). "Pertamina Power Indonesia with solar panels (investment) is around 225 million Euros," he said.

Currently, continued Royhan, the stages of cooperation between the two companies have reached the joint venture agreement agreement.

"Currently, the position has reached the approval of the joint venture agreement and it is hoped that there will be a joint venture company between Dutch investors and Pertamina Power Indonesia," he explained.

The Solar Hyet uses PV Foil technology called Solar Powerfoil, which is a thin film made from amorphous and micro-crystal silicon-based solar cell layers, with a foil-like shape of 0.5 mm that can be rolled up. The advantage of this technology is efficiency in terms of installation because it can be installed on various surfaces.

Royhan also said Pertamina was also exploring cooperation with Dutch investors in the development of green hydrogen in the Banten area, West Java. The investment value of this project is around 350 million euros.

"Now the stage is still joint feasibility studies. But the hope is, within the next one year, the joint venture agreement process can be completed," he said.

The investment that is being explored by PLN, continued Royhan, is in collaboration with the Dutch company for the development of hydro or water power plants in Indonesia.

This project will be worked on by a subsidiary of PLN, namely PLN Nusantara Power.

"For Hydro, it's worth around 10 million euros for the initial stage," he said.

Royhan said that the two parties had also approved the contents of the joint venture MOU and were looking for the right time to sign or sign.

Furthermore, Royhan said, it is hoped that all the cooperation can be realized, because in addition to encouraging the achievement of the energy transition, it also has a large investment value.

"Those are actually things we are looking for to help with economic development without having to burden the state budget," he said.

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