YOGYAKARTA In running a company, entrepreneurs must know what business reputations are related to the image of the community, especially consumers. The company's good reputation plays a role in increasing the success of selling products. On the other hand, poor reputation will also complicate the business process.

This article will provide information about the definition of business reputation, the influencing factors, to how to improve it.

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the reputation is defined as an act and so on as a reason for getting a good name. Thus, business reputation is related to the good name of a company or personal business running.

The reputation of companies running a business can also be interpreted as a public perspective on companies with its various aspects including how they operate to the products produced.

It should be noted that reputation can mean good but it can be the other way around. The reputation will change if it is not properly maintained. The business reputation is not controlled by the company, but there is interference from other parties. However, the company has the authority to clear its reputation in various ways.

Building a business reputation in a positive sense cannot be done quickly. On the other hand, poor business reputation can be created in a short time. Therefore, the company management must continue to carry out a thorough evaluation to keep the reputation at the specified threshold.

In general, reputation in business is a kind of early stage screening carried out by consumers. At this stage, consumers will consider whether the weighted products or companies can be trusted or not.

If the company's business reputation is bad, consumers or other interested parties will refrain from connecting with the company. It just applies otherwise, if the company shows a good reputation, consumers will put their trust in the products issued or other things related to the company.

The consumer's decision also determines whether companies can develop in the future or not.

If you run a company in the business sector, try to follow the tips for improving the company's positive reputation below.

Improved reputation must start at an internal level. Good reputation will begin to spread from among the workers first to the community.

This point is related to products, both services and goods. Business products are a reflection of how companies are built and run.

Employees are an important asset in a business. Companies with a good reputation will treat their workers fairly so that they remain loyal to the company. On the other hand, treating employees unfairly makes it difficult for the company because there will continue to be dismantling of positions. When that happens, the company will be busy with the recruitment process which is feared to reduce the quality of business products.

Apart from what is the reputation of the business, visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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