JAKARTA In investing, of course investors expect optimal returns obtained from additional investment value (capita gain), as well as dividends.

BRI's mixed mutual fund product, Balanced Regular Income Fund (BRIF) made by BRI Investment Management (BRI-MI), provides regular monthly dividend payments.

Plt. BRI-MI President Director, Ira Irmalia Sjam said BRIF mutual funds are very suitable as investment instruments, especially for novice investors. Product investment strategies that allocate managed funds to several types of instruments, reflect investment management that prioritizes optimal yield potential which is balanced with measurable risk management.

"In addition, the routine dividend distribution feature is also maintained in order to provide an investment experience that is familiar with savings products," he explained in his statement, Friday, May 17.

Ira also added that historically, over the past 12 months, BRIF dividend payments have been successfully maintained at the level of 5 percent nett per year, or equivalent to deposits of 6.25 percent gross per year.

As for the dividend payment mechanism, it is divided into two categories. For the participation unit holder (UP) below Rp. 100 million, the dividend will be paid in the form of an additional UP. As for the UP holder above Rp. 100 million, the dividend will be paid in cash.

For information, BRI's mixed mutual fund product Balanced Regular Income Fund (BRIF) was first launched on July 1, 2019.

This instrument offers income growth through actively managing portfolios on securities of debt equity and securities and can invest in money market instruments and/or deposits, according to the condition of the Indonesian economy while still paying attention to investment risks.

BRIF is also BRI-MI's flagship product which is maximally synergized together with Bank BRI. This can be seen from the achievement of AUM at the end of 2023, which is IDR 2.3 trillion or a significant growth of 2,124 percent compared to AUM December 2022, which is IDR 106.2 billion.

In addition, throughout 2023 BRI-MI has won various awards for the performance of superior products, one of which is the BRI MSCI Indonesia ESG Screened Class A mutual fund product award as The Most Expansive Growth Mutual Funds for the 1 year period at the Business Indonesia Financial Award (BIFA) 2023.

For more information regarding BRI-MI Mutual Fund products, investors can visit BRI-MI's official account on Instagram (@reksadana.bri) or make purchases through the digital InvestASIC application, BRIGHTS, or through other BRI-MI partner APERD outlets with very affordable investments ranging from IDR 10,000.

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