Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said strengthening bilateral economic cooperation relations with various countries would help Indonesia achieve its goals, including cooperation with Germany.

"I met Federal Economy Minister Robert Habeck and look forward to starting a business between Germany, Europe's largest economy, and Indonesia, Southeast Asia's largest economy," he explained in his official statement, Thursday, May 16.

Airlangga wants to get better access to technology, investment and better market access.

Airlangga explained that currently Indonesia is ranked 16th in the country with the largest economy in the world.

And in 20 years, Indonesia aspires to be number four. Therefore, Indonesia will continue to strive to be included in the group of countries with the world's most important economy.

Airlangga emphasized that Indonesia opens investment opportunities from all parties.

"I don't think the investment has a flag. We are very open to all parties," he said.

According to Airlangga, countries that invest in Indonesia are not only China, but the United States (US) on the copper side, namely Freeport, and previously there was also Japan on the bauxite side.

Airlangga added that in the future Indonesia's nickel will also be green energy-based through a smelting plant operated with hydropower, gas power plants, or even solar power plants.

Of course, an energy transition will be carried out in Indonesia.

But on the other hand, Indonesia must remain competitive with the products produced, so that costs become crucial.

Even so, Green nickel and sustainable mining will continue to proceed in stages.

On the other hand, said Airlangga, did not consider trade restrictions to be an obstacle in free trade negotiations with the European Union.

According to him, Indonesia has the right to manage its own natural results. The imposition of a ban on exports of raw materials that have not been processed certainly aims to make Indonesia have global competitiveness.

That way, Indonesia can bring added value to the country that brings benefits to the Indonesian people.

Therefore, regarding negotiations with the European Union, Airlangga revealed that Indonesia wants to be treated fairly. This sees how Europe treats Indonesia differently, for example with Vietnam and Thailand. The IEU CEPA negotiations have not ended in the last 7 years.

Even though Indonesia has a big role in the world economic order. Indonesia does not want to wait too long.

"We have proven that as long as Indonesia leads the G20, there are inclusiveness, the voices of the southern countries are also taken into account. We want to see everything together for the benefit of all parties," he explained.

Airlangga said, Indonesia is quite optimistic to become a developed country with the 16th largest economy.

If in 2045 the population will be around 320 million people with a GDP of 30,000 US dollars per capita, it means that Indonesia will become a country with an economy of 9 trillion US dollars.

This is where the task of the Government of Indonesia is to create many new jobs in order to realize the nation's ideals.

"Currently Germany has an economy of around 4 trillion US dollars. So you can compare how much Indonesia will be in 2045," Airlangga concluded.

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