Deputy Minister of Trade (Wamendag) Jerry Sambuaga spoke about the date of certainty of the plan to pay off debt for the difference in price or one-price cooking oil program (migor) to retail entrepreneurs.

"Yesterday, it was conveyed that there was an agreement. The point is, yes, you can just ask Mr. Roy Mandey (Chairman of Aprindo)," said Deputy Minister of Trade Jerry when met by reporters after the Inabuyer B2B2G Expo 2024 event at the Smesco Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, May 15.

Jerry has not been able to provide further information about the time limit for the government's obligation, in this case the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) to pay for the cooking oil ratio. "We'll see, yes," he added.

Previously reported, Chairman of the Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association (Aprindo) Roy Nicholas Mandey asked the government through the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) to immediately provide time certainty regarding the plan to pay debt for the price difference or one price of the cooking oil program (migor).

This is because Roy admitted that he had not received further information about the certainty of the payment of the Migor faction.

"If asked if there is any information regarding the faction yet. What we ask for is certainty. Whatever you call before there is certainty there is no significant realization," said Roy at the Halalbihalal event at the Manado Spice, Jakarta, Tuesday, May 7.

Roy hopes that the problem of the migrant election can be resolved before the change of government.

"How is it possible that the Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) was carried out during this government period, then it was not completed and then it became the responsibility of the next government and so on. So, one of our concerns is certainty of payment," he said.

He considered that currently his party was waiting for the confirmation of the date for the payment of the Migor faction.

Although there has been news circulating that the government will pay for it in May 2024.

"So, again, what we need is just one point for the certainty of the day and the date for the payment of the Rafaction. That is what we continue to voice, try and fight for to the ministries/agencies to all stakeholders in this country," he said.

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