JAKARTA - PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum or Inalum (Persero) supports mainland fishery cultivation using self-energy, namely solar power plants (PLTS).

This program is in line with Inalum's vision of creating a circular economy around the company's ongoing location using green energy.

Inalum Corporate Secretary Mahyaruddin Ende said this program is a collaboration with community groups to increase benefits.

"The land fisheries PLTS program is Inalum's collaboration with the surrounding community aimed at increasing social activities with a boost in renewable energy," he explained quoting Antara.

Mahyaruddin hopes that this program can continue to run, so that it can have a positive impact in the form of sustainability benefits for the local community.

The land fisheries PLTS program was carried out in Hamlet 1 Pantai History, Perupuk Village, Limapuli Pesisir District, Batu Bara Regency, North Sumatra.

This collaboration presents six three-meter, three-meter bioflok pools with 5,500 fish cultivation, namely 3,000 catfish and 2,500 tilapia with a PLTS with a capacity of 2,750 Watts, turning on water pumps, lights and aerators.

"Meanwhile, land fishery water sources use two-point drilling wells, and water tank towers to supply water," he said.

This program also planted citronella right next to the land fishery pond using waste water used to fertilize citronella plants.

This land fisheries PLTS is one of PT Inalum (Persero)'s sustainable programs that prioritizes environmental conservation, and prioritizes social responsibility.

Kemudian mempertahankan praktik tata kelola yang efektif, menjambang hubungan dengan investor, dan menyampaikan laporan keberlangan secara transparan.

"By upholding these principles, Inalum ensures the sustainability and positive impact of our operational activities, and contributes to the welfare of the local community at large," said Mahyaruddin.

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