SURABAYA - PT Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut (SIER) supports the integration plan of the Danareksa State-Owned Enterprises Holding Technology System (BUMN), especially industrial areas need to make it easier for investors to enter.

"SIER really welcomes the plan to transform and optimize synergy in the BUMN Holding Danareksa ecosystem, so that information technology strategies can further encourage the business strategic of the holding members," said PT SIER President Director Didik Prasetiyono as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, May 5.

Moreover, he said, it was also discussed about the importance of risk management related to the implementation of information technology, including security risks, operational risks, and compliance risks.

"Effective risk mitigation plans are needed to protect the company", he said.

In the series of Meetings of the Information Technology Steering Committee for Visioning Information Technology in 2024-2029, a visit was also made to the Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU) located at the Wisma SIER Building.

This aims, he continued, to introduce the potential of industrial estates in supporting government programs for green energy.

The SPKLU reflects the commitment of industrial estate managers to protect the environment and support green energy programs, explained the man who also serves as Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Industrial Estate Association (HKI).

Didik added, with a strong integration between holding companies and subsidiaries, it can realize a commitment to maintain a healthy investment climate and support the green energy program.

"East Java is ready to become an attractive investment destination for investors who care about sustainable development," he said.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Danareksa Yadi Jaya Ruchandi said that his party continues to be committed to developing transformations that create added value, by optimizing synergies, including building a cyber security system and digitizing services for all subsidiaries in the holding.

"In order to continue the realization of these various strategic initiatives, support from all subsidiaries is needed to be committed to carrying out a strategic plan that has been designed together," he said.

Yadi explained, there are seven things that are used as the basis for the Visioning IT 2024-2029 planning, namely Single Backbone System, Wide Area Network, Super Application, Big Data, Tenant Application, Customer Relationship Management, and CyberSecurity.

"All of them are carefully designed to provide convenience for subsidiaries holding, customers and business partners," he said.

On the same occasion, the Director of Human Resources and Law of PT Danareksa R Muhammad Irwan added that the migration of information technology that will soon be realized aims to help the Danareksa holding subsidiary provide maximum service and satisfaction to customers and business partners.

"Migrations carried out include the implementation of the PaloAlto firewall, increasing service access security, centralized management of holdings in all subsidiaries of PT Danareksa," he said.

Please note, the event was attended by all representatives of the Director of the BUMN Cluster Holding Danareksa.

Among them, President Director of PT Virama Karya (Persero) Jusarwanto, President Director of PT Indra Karya (Persero) Gok Ari Joso Simamora, Director of Finance and Risk Management of PT Nindya Karya Sri Haryanto, Director of Business and Human Resources Development of PT Nindya Karya Eduard Batubara, Director of Business and Operations Development of PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia Saidu Solihin, and President Director of PT Film Negara Dwi Heriyanto B as well as President Director of PT SIER Didik Prasetiyono.

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