JAKARTA - PT Elnusa Tbk (ELSA) together with PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) have held a Kick off Meeting for the Design, Procurement and Construction Services Project of the City Supporting Facility of the SLC Booster Station in Siak Regency, Riau.

This project is a strategic collaboration between Pertagas and Elnusa, which aims to improve energy infrastructure in the Kandis area, Siak Regency, Riau.

Just so you know, the supporting facilities to be built will play a crucial role in strengthening operational reliability and increasing the capacity for the distribution of Rokan Working Area oil in the area.

Pertagas President Director Gamal Iman Santoso stated that the project contract period is 29 months with a construction period of 14 months.

"This project will not only increase operational reliability of energy infrastructure in the Kandis region, but will also have a positive impact on economic growth and the welfare of the local community," said Gamal, Tuesday, April 30.

Meanwhile, Elnusa Operations Director Endro Hartato, added that his party believes that the synergy between Pertagas and Elnusa will produce good achievements in this project.

"We are committed to providing the best solution that supports sustainable growth in the provision and resilience of energy in Indonesia," concluded Endro.

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