JAKARTA - In the era of globalization, the protection of human rights (HAM) in the business world is becoming increasingly essential. Therefore, the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 60 of 2023 concerning the National Strategy for Business and Human Rights (Stranas BHAM) is a real step in realizing human rights protection in the business world.

The management of the Bina Swadaya Foundation, Dr. Ir. Eri Trinuraini Adhi said, Indonesia itself needs to learn from Japan, the Asian economic giant who has integrated business and human rights. Their success cannot be separated from massive socialization that reaches all stakeholders.

Japan is one of the salient examples in terms of business success and human rights implementation. In Indonesia, we hope to follow in the same footsteps by massively socializing the BHAM Stranas. Everyone must know the Presidential Regulation 60/2023 and its implementation," he explained in the dialogue of the Merdeka Barat 9 Forum (FMB9) with the theme Protect Worker Rights in Business, Monday 29 April.

Therefore, Eri suggested that this socialization not only be charged to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham), but also to involve all ministries, including the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo). This is to ensure a wider range of information.

He further gave an example of ASEAN countries driven by public awareness and strict regulations in implementing business and human rights. According to him, this is because of the socialization carried out by many ASEAN countries that not only target employers and workers, but also consumers.

"Many cases of human rights violations can be resolved thanks to input from consumers. Consumers have an important role in responding to unethical business practices and in voicing the need for human rights protection," he said.

For this reason, said Eri, the Bina Swadaya Foundation affirms its commitment to continue to support efforts to protect workers' rights in the business context. Through collaboration between the government, entrepreneurs and civil society, it is hoped that Indonesia can achieve high standards in the implementation of the BHAM National Stranas Perpres.

"With a high awareness, a holistic approach, and a shared commitment, Indonesia can create a business environment that is fair, sustainable, and respects human rights," said Eri.

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