JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi said Apple Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Tim Cook enthusiastically welcomed President Joko Widodo's request for his company to be involved in smart city development in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN).

"Mister Tim Cook is very enthusiastic about welcoming the request, because it is also suitable for his company regarding smart cities," Budi said, quoting Antara.

Budi said that during discussions with President Joko Widodo, the CEO of the technology giant considered Indonesia as a country that has great development potential because it has a very diverse culture.

Therefore Tim Cook ensured that Apple would still be present in Indonesia not only to present its products but also to develop the potential of its human resources.

Discussing the involvement of IKN development, because it is designed to be a city with the best smart city system and governance, Apple is not surprised that Apple is enthusiastic about being involved in its development.

"The Cook team is very happy to come to Indonesia. He sees Indonesia's enormous potential, a country with extraordinary diversity, and for that Apple is committed to continuing to be present and exist in Indonesia," said Budi.

Actually discussing the investment side, Apple has invested in Indonesia worth IDR 1.2 trillion to support the digital talent development program known as the Apple Developer Academy.

The investment was given through training facilities for technology experts at three Apple Academy facilities that already exist in BSD, Tangerang Regency and at Ciputra University, Surabaya, and Nongsa Digital Park in Batam City.

It is latest that Apple will present a similar facility that is new to Bali and will become the 4th academy in Indonesia.

It is hoped that this investment can increase with the establishment of factories for product components that have been pushed by President Joko Widodo in the same meeting so that it can provide other added value for Indonesia.

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