JAKARTA - Joint Officers implement a delay system for prospective travelers at the integrated service post of Gayam Village, Memediate District, South Lampung, so that traffic runs smoothly to Bakauheni Port.

Based on observations at the location, Friday, there were a number of joint officers consisting of the TNI, Polri, Sat Pol PP, Dishub and ASDP officers conducting inspections of two and four-wheeled vehicles.

Two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles bound for Bakauheni port are directed into the former agro-business terminal for inspection.

Officers mark the vehicle of travelers who already have boat tickets or only take them to Bakauheni port, with red and green stickers.

For vehicles that already have boat tickets, it is marked by a green sticker. while vehicles that only deliver to ports, are marked with red stickers.

Iptu Wariki, Head of the Gayam Integrated Pam Post, in Intermediary, Friday, said that the sticker installation was aimed at knowing which vehicles would cross to the island of Java or vehicles that only picked up relatives.

"Vehicles of travelers who have purchased boat tickets immediately give a green sticker aimed at smoothing traffic flow so that there is no congestion at Bakauheni Port," said Iptu Wariki.

He said officers would easily direct prospective ship passengers to the dock. This method is effective enough to prevent traffic jams in the Bakauheni port area.

"This method from year to year is implemented quite effectively to reduce or prevent congestion at the port," he said.

One of the Saipul travelers, when interviewed, said that some travelers did not know about this rule. However, he admitted that the service of officers at the Gayam integrated post was quite satisfactory.

"I don't know the meaning of this sticker yet, but the officer at the location explained that the point is to launch entry at the port. But the service from the officers was quite good for the travelers," said Saipul.*

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