JAKARTA - The Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) asked for the repair of the landslide of the Bogor-Ciawi-Sukabumi (Bocimi) section 2 towards Jakarta to Sukabumi not to rush. Because, based on the evaluation results, BPJT considered that the damage to the toll road was quite heavy because almost one road was affected.

Member of BPJT, Elements of Interest, Sony Sulaksono Wibowo, said that his party did not recommend that repair activities be forced to support Eid homecoming and homecoming activities in 2024.

"And if we force improvements for homecoming and homecoming activities, I think it's too risky," Sony said in his official statement, quoted Friday, April 5.

Reflecting on previous experiences, Sonny estimates that repairs will take 2-3 months. Therefore, he asked the public to go through an alternative route that had been prepared.

"We ask the public for awareness, yes, to (pass the path) an alternative that has been given. To pass through the road, yes," he said.

Previously, the Bocimi Toll Road, precisely at the exit of the Parungkuda Toll Road kilometer 64-600 landslide on Wednesday, April 3 evening. As a result of the incident, a unit of Isuzu Panther's car that was passing fell into a landslide about 10 meters deep. In addition, two cars hit the road media because they were shocked to avoid landslides.

"There were three vehicles involved in the incident, namely two MPV cars and one truck," said PT Trans Jabar Tol (TJT) President Director Abdul Hakim in a written statement in Jakarta.

The three vehicles drove from Jakarta to Sukabumi at a speed of approximately 80 km per hour in lane one. When crossing km 64+600 A, suddenly one lane had an avalanche so that one of the MPV vehicles fell into a hole.

"Meanwhile, the truck driver and one MPV were shocked and tried to avoid going to the right and hit the median of the road," he said.

He said the traffic from the direction of Jakarta was immediately diverted through the Cigombong toll gate. "Meanwhile, traffic from Parungkuda to Jakarta is closed," he said.

As many as two people who were injured have been referred to the Sekarwangi Hospital in Sukabumi.

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