PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) projects that the number of travelers traveling to their hometowns by ship can reach 2.2 million in the Eid 2024 period.

Pelindo Corporate Secretariat Group Head Ardhy Wahyu Basuki said the number of travelers who will travel by ship will increase this year.

He said, in Lebaran 2024 the maximum number of passengers will reach 2.2 million. This number increased from last year's position of 1.97 million passengers.

Furthermore, Ardhy said the figure would match the number of travelers in 2019 or the period before the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Last year there were 6,020 ships serving homecoming from start to finish, with 1.97 million passengers, this year a maximum of more than 2 million, could be 2.2 million passengers," he said in a media briefing in Jakarta, Wednesday, April 3.

Ardhy said that for this year's homecoming flow, Pelindo has prepared 63 port terminals. Until D-9 Lebaran 2024, Pelindo recorded that the number of passengers using Pelindo passenger terminal services was 348,837 people.

Furthermore, Ardhy said that this number increased by 4.25 percent compared to 2023.

"To anticipate the peak of the homecoming flow which is predicted to occur on April 6, 2024 (D-4), a number of steps have been prepared by Pelindo, one of which is to prepare the Ciwandan Port to unravel the density, smooth the flow of vehicles at Merak and Bakauheni Ports," said Ardhy.

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