JAKARTA - President Director of Perum Bulog Bayu Krisnamurthi said that his party had stopped distributing Stableized Rice Supply and Food Prices (SPHP) to the main market to traditional markets.
"It's been stopped. The SPHP that goes through the distribution route has been stopped," he said when Bincang Bersama at Perum Bulog, written Wednesday, April 3.
Currently, continued Bayu, the distribution of SPHP rice is only to traditional retailers and modern retailers. Rice distributed is also only 5 kilograms (kg).
However, Bayu emphasized that the distribution of this SPHP was only carried out to retailers who were still contracting distribution with Bulog.
Even if there is a retail, there is already a contract with Bulog. We distribute it according to the contract. So it's no longer a boost to distributors, only through retail, modern and traditional retail. We have food house development, as long as there is still an agreement," he said.
Bayu revealed the reason for temporarily stopping the distribution of SPHP rice to traditional markets. He said this was because it had entered the harvest season, so the supply from farmers to mills was abundant.
"So that domestic harvests are absorbed, not only Bulog, by mills and private rice companies," he said.
For your information, the Indonesian Rice Milling Association and Rice Entrepreneurs (Perpadi) requested that the distribution of SPHP rice to the market be stopped, including the Cipinang Main Market, East Jakarta.
Alasamnya, Perpadi menilai saat ini di dalam negeri sudah masuk musim panen. Jika SPHP tetap disalurkan ke pasar, maka akan berdampak pada harga gabah di tingkat petani.
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