JAKARTA - Member of Commission V DPR RI from the PKS faction Sigit Sosiantomo appreciated the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono for taking the initiative to provide a toll rate discount of 20 percent ahead of the 2024 Eid homecoming flow.

Sigit also asked Minister Basuki to provide an additional 30 percent discount for tariffs, bringing the total toll road discount to 50 percent.

According to him, the 20 percent toll rate discount is not enough. In fact, he compared it to Malaysia which frees toll rates for two days before Eid Al-Fitr 1445 H.

"The Minister of PUPR (please) took the initiative (give) a 50 percent discount. Earlier, (20 percent discount) from BUJT, now from Pak PUPR himself, 30 percent (additional toll discount) from the Minister of PUPR," said Sigit in the 2024 Homecoming Preparation Working Meeting with Commission V DPR RI at the Senayan Parliament Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 2.

"Even if he is passed by 100,000 vehicles per day, maybe (toll road operators) have made a profit. Therefore, the policy of the Minister of PUPR which is popular is very much needed, the loss period with Malaysia which frees the toll road during Eid?" he continued.

He considered that the additional toll discount would not affect BUJT's revenue.

The reason is, Sigit claims, so far the profits of toll road operators do not take into account the factors of Eid and Christmas and New Year (Nataru).

Hearing this statement, Basuki seemed to be smiling. Sigit then threw Basuki a joke at him. The PKS politician hopes that his proposal can be accepted.

"The Minister (Basuki) smiled, I think this agrees with the Chairman (Commission V DPR RI Lasarus)," joked Sigit.

"This, right, in the end (of the term of office) we all, the end of the DPR, the end of the government, usually Husnul Khotimah. The minister added 30 percent of the discount from the government. God willing, the Jokowi government will be husnul khotimah, replaced by the Gerindra government (Prabowo Subianto)," he added.

On a different occasion, the Director General of Highways of the Ministry of PUPR Hedy Rahadian said that toll tariff discounts have several functions, including social affairs. He said this could provoke travelers to return to their hometowns early, thus avoiding the peak of homecoming flow.

"Yes, it is possible (additional toll discounts from the government), if the rules are free, it is possible," said Hedy when met on the sidelines of the Working Meeting at the DPR RI Complex.

"But they (toll road operators) will claim to the state. Right, you'll be expensive if (freed toll tariffs or toll discounts plus 30 percent)," he added.

A number of operators or BUJTs have provided toll tariff discounts in the range of 20 percent. This applies to several sections, such as the Trans Java and Trans Sumatra Toll Roads.

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