The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General of Housing has completed the construction of the Banau Agricultural College Student Flats (rusun) in North Maluku, in order to increase human resources.

"We always support the construction of students' flats that are comfortable to live in, as an effort to support the advancement of education in Indonesia," said Director General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR Iwan Suprijanto in his official statement, Monday, March 25.

Iwan assessed that the construction of student dormitory flats is a form of synergy between the Ministry of PUPR and universities in Indonesia.

This synergy is the government's support for the advancement of education throughout Indonesia, namely by providing comfortable housing for students.

He said, in addition to being a proper place to live for students, the flats equipped with various supporting facilities are also expected to be able to support the quality of education and train the younger generation to live in vertical housing.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Maluku Housing Provision Implementation Center (BP2P) of the Directorate General of Housing, Pither Pakabu, said that one of the student flats built by the Ministry of PUPR in North Maluku Province was designated as a dormitory for students of the North Maluku Agricultural College (STPK) located in Goal Village, Sahu District, West Halmahera Regency.

The construction of the STPK Banau student flat will be held with a single year contract (SYC) in 2023 and has the specifications of a building tower with two floors consisting of 21 residential units with a barracks type.

In addition, this flat is equipped with furniture facilities and other supporting facilities and infrastructure.

"We hope that the STPK can allocate the operational budget, maintenance and maintenance of this flat in the future so that this dormitory is maintained in a sustainable manner. Students who live in flats can take good care of and maintain existing facilities," he said.

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