JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) hopes that the majority of products and goods sold at IKN Nusantara will be filled with more local products. This is being pursued by the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs by opening discussions with the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN) to discuss the Roadmap (Roadmap) for IKN Creative Economy Development.

"We haven't (meeted) yet. Yesterday, we asked for a discussion but we haven't been able to adjust the time. We also hope that it can be discussed as soon as possible so that the city (IKN) was designed from the start to provide opportunities for MSMEs," said Deputy for SMEs at the Coordinating Ministry for SMEs Hanung Harimba Rachman to reporters at the Smesco Building, Jakarta, Monday, March 25.

Hanung said that his party wanted to arrange for the distribution of portions of local and imported products in IKN. However, he hopes that the majority of products in IKN can be dominated by domestic products.

Therefore, Hanung said, a number of things will be contained in the IKN Creative Economy Development Roadmap document. First, the presence of the facility provider and the development of MSMEs, namely the Incubator.

Second, product zoning for a number of areas in IKN Nusantara, such as in areas adjacent to settlements. Hanung wants the majority of small store products in the area to be filled with MSMEs.

"Those near residential areas if there is a small shop are SME Mart. However, in the city area zone, it must also be regulated that a certain percentage of SMEs filled must really be regulated and the products must also be regulated," he said.

For your information, OIKN has invited creative economy actors around IKN to discuss the IKN Creative Economic Development Roadmap in Balikpapan on Friday, March 22, 2024.

OIKN's Director of Culture, Tourism and Creative Economy, Muhsin Palinrungi, said that the creative economy in IKN has great potential to develop because of the availability of abundant human resources and the diversity of natural resources.

In addition, cultural resource wealth also plays a crucial role as a supporter in the development of the creative economy at IKN.

"In order to increase the nation's competitiveness and the contribution of IKN's creative economy to the national economy, a strategic framework for the development of the IKN creative economy is needed which is a guide for the IKN Authority," said Muhsin in an official statement, Friday, March 22.

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