JAKARTA - PT JTD Jaya Pratama will increase the rate of the Jakarta Inner City Toll Road on Monday, March 25, 2024. This decision applies to six segments, namely Semanan-Sunter and Sunter-Pulogebang Section A Kelapa Gading-Pulo Gebang.

This tariff adjustment was made in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) No. 544/KPTS/M/2024 concerning Tariff Adjustments on 6 Jakarta Inner Toll Road Sections Semanan-Sunter and Sunter-Pulogebang Section A Kelapa Gading-Pulogebang.

"Hello JTD friends, we inform you that toll road users starting March 25, 2024 at 00.00 WIB, tariff adjustments will be applied to 6 sections of the Jakarta Inner Toll Road Semanan-Sunter and Sunter-Pulogebang Section A Kelapa Gading-Pulo Gebang," reads the statement from JTD Jaya Pratama management quoted from the official Instagram @jtd_tol, Friday, March 22.

The construction of 6 Inner-City Toll Roads in the Jakarta Semanan-Sunter and Sunter-Pulogebang Section A Kelapa Gading-Pulogebang is designed with the Melayang Toll Road (Elevated Toll Road) structure on the Right Of Way (ROW) Jalan Arterial Jakarta City.

This aims to increase the capacity of city arterial roads by not changing travel patterns and is also a complement to the construction of rail-based transportation systems and connecting regional development centers.

In addition, road-based mass public transportation facilities (bus rapid transit) will also be provided on toll roads with BRT shelters that are integrated with other mass public transportation modes, such as commuter lines, TransJakarta and MRT.

For your information, provisions related to toll tariff adjustments have been regulated in Article 48 paragraph (3) of Law (UU) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Roads and Article 68 paragraph (1) of Government Regulation (PP) Number 15 of 2005 concerning Toll Roads, as amended in recent times with Government Regulation Number 30 of 2017 concerning the third amendment to Government Regulation Number 15 of 2005 concerning Toll Roads.

Based on these regulations, the evaluation and adjustment of toll rates is carried out every two years based on the old tariffs that are adjusted to the influence of inflation and evaluation of the fulfillment of Toll Road Minimum Service Standards (SPM).

The following are the details of the adjustment of the Kelapa Gading-Pulogebang tariff:

1. Gol I: IDR 22,000 from the original IDR 19,0002. Gol II: IDR 33,000 from the original IDR 28,0003. Gol III: IDR 33,000 from the original IDR 28,0004. Gol IV: IDR 44,000 from the original IDR 37,5005. Gol V: IDR 44,000 from the original IDR 37,500

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