The General Elections Commission (KPU) has announced the results of the 2024 general election (election).

Anggota holding Danareksa, PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (PT KBI) menilai hal ini akan memberikan kepastian pada bisnis komoditas berjangka.

Director of Finance and Risk Management Adiyasa Suhadibroto said that with this KPU decision, there will be certainty of the next government.

That way, continued Adiyasa, the company can focus on continuing its work as a clearing and transaction settlement institution.

"The impact is positive, why? Because we are clear, there has been a KPU decision so we can focus more on our function as a clearing institution and transaction settlement. Hope everyone is positive, because we can get back to work," he said in a media gathering in Jakarta, Thursday, March 21.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT KBI, Budi Susanto, said that in 2024, one of the new business initiatives that will be carried out is a trial at the Commodity Auction Market for tea commodities targeted in the first semester of 2024.

In the same year, continued Budi, various new business innovations were also in preparation, such as the development of PAL and Multilateral products with BBJ.

Budi also said that his party would encourage an increase in the performance of PT Kliring Perdagangan Berjangka Indonesia (PT KPBI) as a strategic partner in the CENTRISE (Centre of Commodity Service) ecosystem that provides services with a Warehouse Receipt System (SRG) and Non-Resi Gudang (NRG) guarantee scheme, Collateral Manager and Solution Provider for commodities.

"In line with the better economic movement after the various existing business initiatives, we are optimistic that in 2024 the performance of PT KBI will continue to increase compared to previous years," said Budi.

For your information, PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (PT KBI) is a member of the BUMN Danareksa Holding which is engaged in the Business Sector of Clearing for Commodity Futures Trading Transactions, as well as the Center for Registration of the Warehouse, Guarantee and Settlement of Commodity Auction Market Transactions.

The four services provided by ole PT KBI are the Derivative Clearing System (SKD) which functions to support Commodity Futures Trading, the Customer Transaction Information System (SITNA) to provide information for customers regarding future transactions, IS-Ware Next Gen which functions to support the Warehouse Resi System, and Tin Market to improve purely bullion lead transaction services.

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