JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Mineral and Coal (Ditjen Migas) carried out a Clinical Coaching or brief guidance for the preparation of RKAB. With this effort, it is hoped that more mining business actors will be able to complete their RKAB documents.
"In the Minerba (Ditjen) we are also accelerating the acceleration of RKAB where our friends, especially those in minerals and coal, are currently carrying out Clinical Coaching activities by inviting business actors to immediately complete their RKAB," said Plt. Director General of Mineral and Coal Bambang Suswantono, Thursday, March 21.
It is said that Bambang's efforts are very effective so that business actors can understand and will not have difficulties in completing the RKAB requirements.
Bambang informed that the Coaching Clinic had been carried out by involving 701 business entities where as many as 164 business entities had been approved by their RKAB, 8 business entities had been rejected for their RKAB approval and 7 business entities were not present in the implementation of the Coaching Clinic.
"As for the commitment to repair this Clinical Coaching from 19 to 25 February, there were 33 business entities," said Bambang.
The Clinic Coaching was then held on February 26 to March 3, followed by 122 business entities, March 4 to March 10 followed by 132 business entities, from March 11 to 16, there were 141 business entities. Furthermore, on March 17 there were 114 business entities so that a total of 545 business entities have participated in the Clinic Coaching.
"We deliberately made a breakthrough because once the 373 Kepmen included the RKAB problem, many business entities could not complete the requirements, whether they couldn't or didn't know, so we need to make an approach by calling, we invite the Coaching Clinic. It is hoped that in the future they will know what to do to prepare the RKAB. We are working carefully and carefully. It is hoped that the RKAB that we issue is valid, there will be no more legal problems in the future, "concluded Bambang.
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