JAKARTA - Chairman of the Audit Board of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Sophia Wattimena emphasized that the risk of corruption is still a challenge to uphold integrity in various agencies.

Therefore, he emphasized that the OJK continues to be committed to making sustainable improvements in efforts to enforce the integrity of the OJK and the financial services sector (SJK).

"The decline in Indonesia's Corruption Perception Index (CPI) ranking in 2023 and the downward trend in the value of the integrity index in Indonesia in the last 3 years show that the level of corruption risk in Indonesia, including the financial services sector, is quite high, so it needs to be our common concern," Sophia said in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, March 20.

According to Sophia, in the future OJK will continue to carry out strategies to strengthen and enforce OJK and SJK integrity through independent dissemination by all first line work units.

Then build and develop the OJK integrity culture, expand the scope of ISO 37001 SMAP certification for all work units within the OJK, and issue integrated anti-fraud strategy regulations for all SJKs.

In the Insight Forum Government which was held in Jakarta, Tuesday 19 March, OJK held a discussion forum involving Bank Indonesia, the Ministry of Finance, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), and the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) to discuss the best practices in enforcement of integrity in their respective organizations.

Based on the results of an integrity assessment survey (SPI) conducted by the KPK in 2023, the OJK managed to get a value of 83.26, above the average Ministry / Institution / Regional Government throughout Indonesia, which was 70.97.

This reflects that OJK is at a low risk of corruption, as well as showing that the strategy to strengthen and enforce OJK integrity has been running massively and effectively.

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