JAKARTA - President Director of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Hery Gunardi said that his party manages IDR 12.5 trillion in Hajj savings with 4.6 million customers.

"Outstanding the Hajj savings at BSI is around 4.6 million savers with a total of maybe around Rp. 12.5 trillion. We are a bank appointed by BPKH to receive Hajj deposits, savings, and also OHN (Ongkos Naik Hajj)," said Hery Gunardi in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, March 20.

He said that last year the BSI market share related to the payment of OHN reached 85 percent. To make it easier for transaction customers when visiting the Holy Land, his party provides Debit Mabrur Cards that can be used to shop with EDC machines or withdraw cash at ATM machines bearing the "VISA" logo.

"So it's easier not to bring cash. Because as far as I know BPKH when pilgrims come there the money is divided there cash, right? It's not good," said Hery.

In order to serve customers who experience difficulties when using the debit card, he said that his party plans to provide help desks in Mecca and Medina.

He stated that now his party has provided the assistance in Jeddah and will add personnel to facilitate services.

"Later we will add more people this Hajj season to help Indonesian pilgrims if there is a need, yes, for example the card cannot be used or cannot be transacted," he said.

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