JAKARTA - The Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah requested that local governments (Pemda) participate in overseeing the distribution of holiday allowances (THR) for workers and workers in their respective widths.

Entrepreneurs, continued Ida, are required to pay THR no later than 7 days before Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Fitr 2024. Therefore, said Ida, supervision is needed by the relevant apparatus.

"Then, I also asked the Governors, Regents, Mayors to oversee the implementation of the provision of religious THR in their respective regions," said Ida at the THR Giving Press Conference, at the Ministry of Manpower Office, Jakarta, Monday, March 18.

In addition, Ida also asked entrepreneurs in the regions to pay the THR long before the deadline or before D-7 before Eid 2024.

In order to ensure this, Ida also asked the local government to form a special team to oversee the THR. Including serving complaints regarding THR.

"I ask the Governor, Regent, Mayor to form a command post for the 2024 THR consulting and law enforcement task force in each province and district and I ask that it be integrated with the website posthr.kemnaker.go.id," he explained.

Previously, it was reported that the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah warned companies to pay Eid al-Fitr (THR) or Eid Al-Fitr in full or not to be in installments.

"This religious THR must be paid in full, not in installments, once again I reiterate that THR must be paid in full and cannot be paid in installments," said Ida at the THR Press Conference, at the Ministry of Manpower Office, Jakarta, March 18.

Ida emphasized that entrepreneurs must comply with this regulation. This rule has also been contained in a circular that has been distributed to entrepreneurs and local government officials.

"I ask the company, once again I ask the company to pay attention and I hope the company obeys this provision," he said.

Ida also said that the THR for workers must be paid on time. Where the deadline for paying the THR is D-7 before Eid al-Fitr 1445 H or Eid Al-Fitr 2024.

If you calculate the Eid al-Fitr time which is estimated to fall on April 10, 2024, then the deadline for paying THR from employers to workers is April 3, 2024.

Furthermore, Ida said, the holiday allowance or THR itself is an obligation that must be fulfilled by the company to its workers.

"This religious THR must be paid no later than 7 days before religious holidays," he said.

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