JAKARTA Indonesia Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the fifth time held a bell sounded for gender equality to increase attention to the role of the private sector in encouraging the achievement of gender equality.

In organizing this, the IDX together with the UN Agency for Gender Equality and Women Empowerment (UN Women), International Finance Corporation (IFC), Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN), and Indonesia Business Coalition for Women's Empowerment (IBCWE) also commemorates International Women's Day.

In addition, in 2024, to commemorate International Women's Day, 121 Stock Exchanges around the world participated in celebrating 10 years of Ring the Bell for Gender Equality.

The holding of the Ring the Bell for Gender Equality reflects on the theme of International Women's Day 2024 from UN Women, namely "Investing in Women: Accelerating Progress" which highlights the importance of gender equality as the best way to accelerate economic growth and build a more prosperous and equal society.

In addition, 1 in every 10 women in the world live in extreme poverty and only 61 percent of women are in the workforce. In Indonesia, the participation of the female labor force reached 54.4 percent, far below the male participation.

IDX Director Risa Rustam said, according to the theme this time, she hopes that companies in the Indonesian capital market industry can provide more support for women's empowerment efforts in the workforce.

"We hope that this support will not only be on International Women's Day, but also reflected in daily concrete actions to strengthen women's positions in various aspects of life, including in the realm of business and a sustainable economy," he explained, Thursday, February 14, 2024.

Furthermore, on the same occasion, Head of Programmes UN Women Indonesia Dwi Faiz said today's bell hearing signifies the company's full commitment, investors, and stock exchanges to support gender equality and women's empowerment.

"The fact that the Ring the Bell for Gender Equality' event has been held successively since 2020 on International Women's Day, shows the significance of this event," he explained.

Dwi added that this event is proof that realizing women's economic empowerment is not only a moral responsibility, but also a smart economic investment.

Furthermore, the Country Manager of the IFC for Indonesia and Timor-Leste Euan Marshal said that we must not ignore the great potential of empowering women that form half of the world's population.

"Closing the gender labor gap is not only the key to changing the global economy, but also supporting job creation, and encouraging sustainable development," he said.

Euan said the IFC is committed to investing in women's empowerment and accelerating the pace of progress, in collaboration with our partners from stock exchanges, regulators, and other development partners in Indonesia.

Then, IGCN Executive Director Josephine Satyono said with this calling for transformative changes by understanding that investing in women is not only a moral necessity but also a strategic effort for economic growth.

"Let's together, as a collective force, familiarize our commitment to this goal. By investing in women, we accelerate progress, pave the way for a more prosperous and equal world." he said.

Furthermore, IBCWE Executive Director Wita Krisanti conveyed that this year's theme is a reminder for us to create an environment that supports women's empowerment and supports women to achieve leadership roles.

"That more women occupying leadership positions in business can have a stronger impact on society, as well as help break stereotypes and create role models for future generations," he explained.

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