PT PLN (Persero) signed an Amendment to the Electricity Sale and Purchase Agreement (PJBTL) for the Addition of High Voltage Consumers between PLN and PT Kalimantan Ferro Industry (KFI) on Tuesday 5 March in Jakarta.

Through this collaboration, PLN will increase the supply power from 100 Mega Volt Ampere (MVA) to 300 MVA for PT KFI.

General Manager of PLN Main Distribution Unit of East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan Agung Murdifi revealed that the industrial customer segment in the East Kalimantan region continues to experience growth every year. For this reason, PLN continues to strive to improve its reliable electricity system to respond to existing growth trends.

"Providing the best service is our commitment in encouraging the business growth of business and industry players. Customers are quite focused on developing their business, so that PLN takes care of its electricity. Apart from PT KFI, there is also growth in electricity consumption for the needs of IKN Nusantara," he explained.

Agung said that his party is committed to supporting the Government's program to downstream minerals through the provision of sufficient and reliable electricity for industry players. This mineral downstream program will increase regional economic growth and community welfare.

Agung continued, the current economic growth in East Kalimantan is sufficient to supply growing electricity needs. The current power capable of supplying the East Kalimantan system is 768 MW with a peak load of 660 MW.

Additional electricity for PT KFI is expected to continue to boost the growth of the Earth Etam economy, especially Kutai Kartanegara Regency. The PT KFI project is targeted to absorb at least 10 to 13 thousand local workers in the future.

PT Kalimantan Ferro Industry's Owner Representative Muhammad Ardhi Soemargo said his party had previously agreed on a plan to gradually increase power to 800 MVA from PLN.

His party also appreciated PLN's swift steps in providing electricity for industrial needs.

"The PJBTL that we signed in order to accelerate what we have committed. (Effort) PLN is extraordinary, we feel this is a very good thing. Because PLN is very timely in membering us electricity is the most important thing," said Ardhi.

According to him, so far PLN has succeeded in proving its commitment in terms of providing electricity for industrial sector needs, especially for PT KFI. PLN's excellent service is a special consideration for PT KFI in establishing synergies with PLN for the long term.

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