JAKARTA - PT Industri Jamu dan Pharmacy Sido Muncul Tbk meluncurkan produk terbarunya, yakni Tolak Angin Batuk pada Jumat 8 Maret. Direktur Sido Muncul, Irwan Hidayat mengatakan, sebenarnya ide membuat Tolak Angin Batuk ini sudah tertetus sejak 10 tahun lalu.

"Today we launched the Tolak Angin Batuk product, its advantage that this product uses natural ingredients such as adapters, ules wood, mint leaves, ginger, kencur, honey, and several other ingredients. Its packaging is also made practical in the form of sachets so that it is easy to carry anywhere," said Irwan, quoted on Saturday 9 March.

Irwan explained that the efficacy and usefulness of Tolak Angin Batuk is to relieve the itching of the throat, dilute the phlegm, and warm the throat and breathing.

The presence of Tolak Angin Batuk is Sido Muncul's new step in developing its products outside the food supplement and vitamin business lines.

Variants of the existing Tolak Angin product and known to the wider community are Tolak Angin Liquid, Tolak Angin Free of Sugar, Tolak Angin Flu, Tolak Angin Anak, Tolak Angin Care, Permen Tolak Angin, Permen Tolak Angin Free of Sugar, and Balsam Tolak Angin.

Rejecting Angin Batuk to come in the form of a 15 ml sachet packaged in a 5 sachet box. People can buy this product at traditional markets, local supermarkets, and e-commerce.

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