JAKARTA - The tariff for the Mohamed Bin Zayed (MBZ) Flyover Toll Road will increase in the near future.

The tariff increase plan said that it had the blessing of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) which had issued a decree.

"Based on the Decree of the Minister of PUPR Number: 250/KPTS/M2024 in the near future, an adjustment will be applied to the tariff for the Mohamed Bin Zayed Flyover", reads the statement quoted from the official upload @official.jmtransjawa, Wednesday, February 28.

Based on the information, the tariff increase on the MBZ Toll Road starts from Rp. 1,500 to Rp. 14,000.

Here are five interesting facts about the MBZ Flyover which rates will increase in the near future:

1. MBZ Flyover Development Process

The toll road construction process takes two years. "The MBZ Flyover construction process takes two years, starting from 2017 to 2019," wrote the statement @official.jmtransjawa, quoted Monday, March 4.

2. Built using the latest technology

Jalan Layang MBZ dibangun dengan menggunakan metode teknologi Sosrobahu, Precast dan Steal Box Girder.

"This technology will minimize the workspace on the impact of traffic constraints," he said.

3. The origin of the MBZ Name

In fact, the name Jalan Layang Mohamed Bin Zayed is a form of respect for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) which has established diplomatic relations in the social, cultural and economic fields for 45 years since 1976 with Indonesia.

4. Transaction system

The payment system on the MBZ Flyover is very efficient because it is integrated with the lower Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road.

"The transaction should have been carried out twice as a transaction," he said.

5. Accelerate Travel Time

For people who want to go to Cirebon faster through Jalan Layang MBZ. Jakarta-Cirebon estimation without toll roads takes 6 hours, while using toll roads only takes 3 hours.

"The estimate is that the traffic conditions are smooth and the vehicle is normal," he added.

The flyover which stretches from the Jakarta area to Cikampek has a total length of 38 kilometers (km).

This flyover is one of the liaisons for people who want to go to Cirebon, West Java, or vice versa.

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