The Capital Authority of the Archipelago (OIKN) revealed that the use of official vehicles in the archipelago, East Kalimantan is only for the president, vice president, ministers, and high leadership of other state institutions.

"So simply the official car will no longer exist, except for official cars for the president, vice president, ministers, and the possibility for other echelon I officials," said OIKN Deputy for Facilities and Infrastructure Silvia Halim in Tangerang Regency, Banten, quoted from Antara, Thursday, February 22. According to Silvia, the point is the consistency of public transportation-related policies as the main mode for mobility in IKN is that until the government there must provide the first example," he said. He also said that in addition to the policy of restricting official vehicles, it is also necessary to start with the city design policies that have been made in such a way. You could say later that for the need to use cars in IKN there is either no or very minimal. "This is because people in carrying out mobility from place to place of work can already walk, cycling, using public transportation, why else do they have cars," he said. For information, based on the Appendix of Law No.3/2022 concerning the State Capital that the main goal of the IKN plan is to create a future city that does not depend on private vehicles with the concept of developing transit-oriented areas or transit-oriented development (TOD).

The goal is for communities to live, work and play properly, a community that allows more pedestrians, cyclists, and transiters, and can reduce the need for compact daily and city travel.

IKN dibangun sebagai lingkungan kompak dan berdensitas tinggi yang berfungsi sebagai blok pembangun kota.Lingkungan ini menerapkan konsep tata guna lahan campuran (mixed-use) untuk mendukung pengurangan kebutuhan akan perjalanan.Kemudian menyediakan semua fungsi yang diperlukan untuk memastikan akses 10 menit ke semua fasilitas dasar dan umum serta ruang hijau terbuka yang dapat ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki, bersepeda, atau menggunakan kendaraan otonom.

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