JAKARTA - Astra Infra Toll Road announced that the Jombang-Mojokerto (Jomo) toll tariff will increase in the near future.

Quoting information shared by Astra Tol Jomo in its official Instagram account, the implementation of the new tariff on the toll road is in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR).

"We inform you that in the near future tariff adjustments will be applied for the Jombang-Mojokerto Toll Road, in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of PUPR No. 252/KPTS/M/2024," said Jomo toll Astra management in its official Instagram account @astrateoljomo, quoted Tuesday, February 20.

Astra Tol Jomo said that this toll tariff adjustment is a regular tariff adjustment and has been regulated in Article 48 paragraph (3) of Law (UU) Number 38 of 2004 concerning Roads and Article 68 paragraph (1) of Government Regulation (PP) Number 15 of 2005 concerning Toll Roads.

"Based on these regulations, the evaluation and adjustment of toll rates is carried out every two years based on the influence of the inflation rate," he said.

Even so, it is not yet known exactly how much tariff increases will be applied.

In addition, Astra Tol Jomo has not yet determined when the tariff adjustment will take effect.

The Jombang-Mojokerto Toll Road has been operated in stages since 2014.

In detail, Section 1 along 14.7 kilometers (km) operated in October 2014, following the 5 km long section 3 operating in November 2016.

Then, section 2 along the 19.9 km operated in September 2017 and section 4 along the 0.9 km had operated in December 2018 along with the Solo-Kertosono Toll Road.

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