JAKARTA - The inauguration of the Central Board of the Indonesian Logistics and Forwarder Association (ALFI) for the 2023-2028 term of service has become an important milestone for the development of the logistics industry in Indonesia. Under the leadership of ALFI Chairman Akbar Djohan, the vision and mission promoted promised to improve the quality and competitiveness of its members.

With the tagline "ALFI Incorporated", ALFI is determined to bring its management and members to a better level. They place equality between national and foreign logistics actors as one of the top priorities.

"Collaboration and synergy among all stakeholders is the basis for achieving this goal," said Akbar Djohan, Wednesday, February 7.

According to Akbar Djohan, improving human resources (Human Resources Source) in the logistics industry is an important focus. ALFI is committed to improving human resource performance through cooperation with public and private universities in building relevant vocational programs.

"Thus, Indonesia's human resource competitiveness in the logistics sector is expected to increase significantly," said Akbar Djohan.

It is undeniable that logistics is the lifeblood of a country's economy. This is the main focus of the government, including the newly elected president and vice president.

"Mereka (Presiden dan Wakil Presiden terpilih) diharapkan dapat menghadirkan ekosistem logistik yang lebih baik, dengan memberikan kepastian serta memotong birokrasi yang berlebihan dan ego sektoral di dalam kementerian dan lembaga terkait," papar Akbar Djohan.

According to Akbar Djohan, a strong breakthrough and commitment from the new government is needed in facing challenges in the logistics sector.

"One of the main hopes is the establishment of a national logistics agency that can coordinate all aspects of logistics at the national level. This step is expected to be able to make Indonesia's logistics system more orderly and efficient," hoped Akbar Djohan.

In addition, the development of logistics infrastructure is an important key in increasing industrial competitiveness. With adequate investment in infrastructure, the process of distributing goods can be smoother and more effective. This will also open up new opportunities for economic growth in remote areas.

Increasing the use of technology in logistics management is also a priority. Integration of information systems and the use of digital technology can help optimize shipping and inventory management processes, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing operational costs.

Policy development that supports the growth of the logistics sector is also crucial. Clear regulations are needed and side with local logistics entrepreneurs to encourage the growth of the domestic industry.

The increase in cooperation between the public sector and the private sector is also the key in facing challenges in the logistics sector. Synergy between the government, logistics companies, and academic institutions can create a conducive environment for industrial development.

Strengthening security and reliability systems is also a crucial aspect in logistics development. By implementing an advanced and trusted security system, it can minimize the risk of criminal acts and abuse in the process of distributing goods.

The development of human resources that have competence in the logistics sector is also very important. The training and employee development program in the logistics sector needs to be improved to ensure quality and professional workforce.

Strengthening regional collaboration is also an important strategy in facing global competition in the logistics sector. By establishing close cooperation with neighboring countries, new opportunities will be created for Indonesia's growth and expansion of the logistics business.

"The inauguration of the ALFI Central Board for the 2023-2028 service period is an important momentum in strengthening Indonesia's logistics industry. With the strong commitment of all relevant parties, it is hoped that a more efficient, orderly, and highly competitive logistics system can be realized for the sake of the nation's economic progress." concluded Akbar Djohan.

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