JAKARTA - The Pre-Employment Card Program has succeeded in helping 5 million people to open their first bank and e-wallet accounts, and a total of 11.1 million people have been identified and verified as customers for the first time since they became Pre-Employment Recipients.

Deputy for Coordination of the Digital Economy, Employment, and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Coordinating Ministry for the Economy Mohammad Rudy Salahuddin said this figure shows that Pre-Employment has become a real example of the positive impact of the government's program on the digital economy.

According to Rudy, this is in line with the White Book of Indonesia's National Digital Economy Strategy compiled by the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Prakerja sees the importance of utilizing Indonesia's digital potential. Especially in the financial services sector which has reached a high level of digital maturity.

Therefore, Rudy conveyed that financial inclusion is very important. This cross-sectoral collaboration is a real step in strengthening the Pre-Employment commitment to participate in supporting financial inclusion growth.

"We welcome the collaboration that was built between OJK and the Implementing Management of the Pre-Employment Card Program (or PMO) in encouraging financial inclusion and financial literacy. Moreover, Pre-Employment is a large-scale skill improvement program." he explained in signing the Cooperation Agreement with OJK, Friday 2 February 2024.

Based on the 2020-2023 Pre-Employment Evaluation Survey, it shows significant results in the use of e-wallets where of the 5 million recipients who are infected, as many as 4.6 million Recipients first have e-wallets and 500 thousand other recipients have bank accounts for the first time.

Executive Director of Pre-Employment Card Program Implementing Management, Denni Puspa Purbasari, said that the research conducted by the World Bank and TNP2K (2022) shows that almost 90 percent of beneficiaries think that the Pre-Employment Card has provided sufficient options for Payment Services Providers (PJP).

Plus, 96.4 percent of recipients are satisfied with the fast incentive payment mechanism. This achievement is very important, especially in encouraging financial inclusion from participants on the outer islands of Indonesia.

"Prakerja berhasil mendorong inklusi keuangan, sudah ada 11.169.587 yang ter-KYC. Keberhasilan ini karena Prekerja memaksa ekosistem kami digital. Ditambah lagi dengan contact center yang bertahan, sehingga mereka yang belum paham bisa menjelaskan kepada peserta. Jadi Prakerja bisa diakses oleh siapapun termasuk penderang disabilitas", ujarnya.

Denni explained that the Pre-Employment is not only inclusive but also emphasizes security in the distribution of incentives. The Pre-Employment E-KYC, which is integrated with 6 Pre-Employment Payment Partners including 2 conventional banks and 4 e-wallets, has ensured a safe distribution of funds and encouraged participants to verify their accounts when participating in the Pre-Employment program.

"This initiative is a catalyst in the application of the G2P 4.0 concept, which combines financial inclusiveness with digital technology," he added.

For information, e-KYC is an electronic verification process for banking service customers or fintech, which is usually done through biometric authentication such as facial scanning or fingerprinting, document verification, as well as several other electronic methods.

This achievement is in line with the target of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) which sets the goal of achieving a financial literacy rate of 65 percent and 93 percent financial inclusion by 2027.

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