The Capital Authority of the Archipelago (OIKN) reports that the progress of the IKN Batch 1 development as a whole has reached 71.46 percent to date.

The President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) plans to hold a ceremony at IKN in August 2024.

"The overall progress of the IKN Batch 1 development reached 71.47 percent," said IKN Authority Head Bambang Susantono at a press conference at the Kominfo office, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 30.

Bambang said the construction of Batch 1 was a contract that had been started before the OIKN agency was formed.

"(Development) batch 1 is contracts that have already started before we started operating in 2023," he said.

He assessed that the construction of the presidential palace and the ceremonial field itself are now continuing to process and continue to show a significant increase. Currently, the progress of the construction of the presidential palace and the ceremonial field itself has reached 54.07 percent.

"We see, for example, for the presidential palace, if you want to see is believing, look there. Otherwise, there are many on YouTube now," said Bambang.

Then, the progress of the construction of the 1st phase of the national axis itself has now reached 96.41 percent. Meanwhile, the Sepaku Semoi Dam project itself has been completed 100 percent.

"So, if the dam is 100 percent, even at the groundbreaking time, it is almost close to the point where the altitude is ideal. This is important for all of us because this will be the source of one drinking water in the future that can be drunk," he added.

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