TERNATE - Representative of the Ministry of Finance of North Maluku noted that the realization of state spending in the province in 2023 reached IDR 19.56 trillion or 98.586 percent of the 2023 State Budget ceiling.

"The growth in spending realization was driven by a significant increase in Central government spending, especially personnel and goods expenditures as well as Transfers to Regions (TKD), especially Revenue Sharing Funds (DBH)," said Head of the Representative Office of the Ministry of Finance of North Maluku Province, Achmad Syaiful Mujab, quoted from ANTARA, Monday, January 29.

He added that transfers to regions that had been distributed until the end of 2023 reached 99.05 percent.

Meanwhile, fiscal performance in North Maluku was realized for state revenue of IDR 5.1 trillion, an increase of 46.43 percent.

"The main contribution to the increase in income throughout 2023 comes from Non-Migas Income Tax (PPh)," he said.

He considered that the existence of the National Budget (APBN) for North Maluku contributed to improving the economy and the welfare of the community.

North Maluku's economic growth until the end of 2023 was still the highest nationally dominated by the growth of the mining and quarrying industry.

This can be seen from the realization of regional revenue which grew to reach Rp14.51 trillion.

Meanwhile, the balance sheet trading balance of the balance sheet was at $545.03 million with the largest foreign exchange contributor export commodities in the form of nickel processed products, such as ferronickel, nickel oxide, Badminton and iron ore.

For the performance of the financial sector with data as of October 2023, in the form of a Third Party Fund Total (DPK), it grew 14.57 percent in line with the improving performance of the business world as reflected in the high growth of GDP in the third quarter of 2023.

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