JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) has asked the West Sumatra KUMKM Integrated Business Service Center (PLUT) to collaborate with campuses to strengthen business assistance programs in producing young and productive entrepreneurs, especially among the younger generation.
"I suggest the West Sumatra PLUT collaborate with campuses in a business incubator," said Secretary of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (SeskemenKop UKM) Arif Rahman Hakim in a written statement, Saturday, January 27.
Arif said that printing young entrepreneurs must be by-design, which is prepared from the beginning to pioneer and raise them in a business assistance program carried out by the KUMKM PLUT.
"So, the main key to this business assistance is starting from the recruitment process. We have to find MSME potentials that we can develop," he said.
He considered that the business assistance program from PLUT was the right step in developing MSMEs. "This results in more productive and more beneficial business actors," he said.
Meanwhile, Head of the West Sumatra Cooperatives and SMEs Service Endrizal said that his party had launched efforts to build digital-based MSMEs and produce 100 thousand new, young and productive entrepreneurs. "At the end of 2023, we were able to print as many as 108 thousand entrepreneurs," he said.
This success was achieved thanks to collaboration with 16 regional apparatus organizations and West Sumatrapreneur. "We also have Mobile Clinic that picks up the ball in managing business equipment and legal entities for MSMEs," explained Endrizal.
By increasing the role of the West Sumatra PLUT, Endrizal believes that the development of MSMEs will increase even more.
"PLUT can verify what the needs of MSMEs are in the future, including halal certification. We also continue to hold Technical Education and Training to improve product quality and packaging," he concluded.
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