JAKARTA - The development of the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago in East Kalimantan is connected to the development of partner areas and Eastern Indonesia.

Deputy for Green Transformation and Digital OIKN Prof. Mohammed Ali Berawi ensured that IKN would not develop alone because there were partner areas.

"The task of IKN is not only to build the area but also to be connected to the development of partner areas, even with the development of Eastern Indonesia," he quoted Antara as saying.

According to Ali, IKN was built with the concept of three cities or three cities, namely IKN, Balikpapan, and Samarinda.

"For now, because there are many proofs of concept for showcase technology, OIKN is collaborating with the Balikpapan regional government regarding the implementation of advanced traffic management systems. We have coordinated with Balikpapan where showscase - showcase will be built. how to regulate traffic," he said.

Of course later, Ali continued, if it was built according to plan, the surrounding areas would automatically progress.

He said, now that IKN is in the development process, the supply chain has moved, for example, IKN construction workers are around 30 percent of local workers, while 70 percent of them are from other provinces of Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Java and other regions of Indonesia.

Then from the supply chain, the material also moves, where for the construction of IKN, the materials taken are not only from Kalimantan, but also from Java and Sulawesi. In the future massive development is not only in IKN but also in the region.

"This shows Indonesia's Sentris," said Ali.

Based on Law Number 3 of 2022, more inclusive and equitable economic growth through the acceleration of development of Eastern Indonesia Region which was brought up by the development of IKN as a superhub economy is one of the main success factors to realize the 2045 Indonesian Vision.

The concept of IKN superhub is designed to operate on three related and integrated levels in vision. Indonesia's relevant, namely Locally Integrated, Globally Connected, Universally Inspired.

The Locally Integrated vision or domestically integrated means that the IKN of the economy superhub changes the face of the Indonesian economy so that it becomes more inclusive through three-city strategies (IKN, Balikpapan, and Samarinda) as well as cooperation with other regencies/cities in East Kalimantan Province, which is to drive the economy in East Kalimantan and become a trigger that strengthens domestic value chains in eastern and throughout Indonesia.

The VIEW of Globally Connected, or globally connected, is that the IKN economic superhub drives advanced economic activity and is highly competitive in order to be able to put Indonesia in a more strategic position in the world trade route, investment flow, and technological innovation.

Universally Inspired vision, or universally inspired, is that the IKN economic superhub is built based on the best examples of intelligent, inclusive, and sustainable cities in the world.

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