JAKARTA - Mining Industry Indonesia or MIND ID as the holding company of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) fully supports the Attorney General's Office (AGO) in investigating the engineering case of buying and selling Antam gold.

Head of the Institutional Relations Division of MIND ID Selly Adriatika appreciates the Attorney General's Office (AGO) for determining a businessman from Surabaya, Budi Said as a suspect.

"Of course the determination of the suspect from the Attorney General's Office for entrepreneurs from Surabaya is a positive development for MIND ID, and all Indonesian people," he said in an official statement, Friday, January 19.

Selly ensures MIND ID Group will always comply with the law and support law enforcement with legal legal channels.

"We are here to continue to strive for all legal steps to be able to protect state assets from people who want to enrich themselves," he said.

Selly also said that MIND ID together with Antam proactively strengthens operational standards and internal surveillance systems so that things like that don't happen again.

In fact, Selly emphasized that she would not hesitate to take firm action against those who commit fraud.

"Of course for companies this incident is lessons learned. The company will take firm action against anyone who is not trustworthy in carrying out the tasks assigned by the state," he explained.

For your information, the Attorney General's Office has named Budi Said as a suspect in the alleged corruption case of abuse of authority in the sale of 1.1 tons of precious metal gold in the Surabaya 1 Antam Boutique.

Based on the results of the intensive examination and the evidence obtained, on Thursday, 18 Jakuari, Budi Said's status was raised as a suspect in the case of buying and selling precious gold worth IDR 1.2 trillion.

In fact, after establishing and detaining Budi Said, the AGO also conducted searches in a number of places, namely the house concerned in the Surabaya area.

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