JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has prepared special regulations related to the development of hydrogen for the transportation sector.

"Then for the regulation itself, because there is no special regulation for hydrogen, in 2024 we will also prepare it," said Director of Multi-Employment and Renewable Energy at the Directorate General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Andriah Feby Misna, after the groundbreaking of the hydrogen refueling station (HRS), at the Daan Mogot gas station, Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, January 18.

In addition, he said, security standards will also be prepared at the hydrogen refueling station (SPBH) facilities.

"There is an SNI (Indonesian National Standard) that we will prepare in 2024, including one of which is the SNI for safety that we will prepare," said Feby.

President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati said that the development of hydrogen for the transportation sector has actually been stated in the national energy policy. However, said Nicke again, Pertamina needs regulatory support to encourage the development of hydrogen for the transportation sector.

"This already exists, it has entered, this hydrogen for mobility already exists. Later, of course, we will propose it because when this ecosystem is ready, we also need supporting regulations that can specifically encourage increased use of hydrogen for mobility," said Nicke.

Pertamina laid the first stone or groundbreaking for the construction of the SPBH located at the Daan Mogot Public Fuel Filling Station (SPBU), West Jakarta, Wednesday.

Nicke said the construction of the SPBH is an important milestone in supporting the program to achieve the 2060 net zero emission (NZE) target.

Nicke said the construction of the SPBH will take no later than six months.

"The important thing is that if these customers are ready six months from now at the latest, we will be ready to operate this," said Nicke.

The Daan Mogot gas station will be the first integrated energy refueling station in Indonesia, and will provide three types of fuel in one charging station, namely fuel, gas, and hydrogen.

With the high-speed hydrogen refueling station concept, HRS will later be able to charge hydrogen on a commercial scale with a charging time of less than five minutes.

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