The Directorate General of Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources reported that there were 2,074 foreign workers working in the mining sector.

Meanwhile, it is known that there are 308,107 local workers.

The Acting Director General of Mineral and Coal, Bambang Suswantono, detailed that of the 2074 foreign workers, 921 of them worked in mineral mining, 122 people in coal mining and in the field of mining service business permits (IUJP) as many as 216,416 people.

Then for Indonesian workers, as many as 48,356 work in mineral mining, 43,335 in coal mining, while 216,416 in the field of IUJP.

"Realization of the number of workers in the mining sub-sector in 2023 has cumulative data in the third quarter, this is 308,107 TKI and 2,074 foreign workers," said Bambang, quoted on Wednesday, January 17.

In terms of absorbing labor, he continued, mining companies are required to be guided by Law Number 3 of 2020 which prioritizes local workers.

In addition, business entities are required to be guided by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation number 25 of 2018 which states that in the event that there are no local or national workers who have the required competence or qualification, business entities can use foreign workers in the context of technology transfer.

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